Archangel Michael Hex Removal Candle
Service Description
Our Archangel Michael candles are prayed on, blessed with Holy oils in the name of Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth and Archangel Michael the Angel of Protection of All Evil & Justice. Archangel Michael is able to help Shield you, Defend you from the wicked. He is able Guide you, Protect you from all evil including jealousy, envy and is able to give you strength during tough seasons of your life. Archangel Michael helps all who come to him. He is the one who removed the devil and threw him out of heaven. He is known as the Prince in the Old Testament. This is a candle service for removal of hex, spells, black magic. Once Booked please read this prayer: Revelations 12:7-9 Archangel Michael defend us in battle. Help me where my strength fails me. Be my protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. Defend and shield me from evil for I am weak. May God rebuke him, I humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Once Lit and place on our Alter , We will send you an email of a picture of your candle and will update you once it has finished. When candle is lit we will send you a photo and once it end as well. We will let you know if you are cleanse or you need an additional candle (depending of what Archangel Michael says) If you have any information you would like to submit (name, birth date, specific desires you would like help on in regards to your Protection desires) Thank you ALL SALE IS FINAL!!! IF YOU CANCEL NO REFUND! YOU MUST BE SURE YOU WANT MY SERVICES
Cancellation Policy
No Cancellations nor Refunds once book. Only rescheduling.
Contact Details
New York, NY, USA